Nice point cloud looking ugly in Unreal


I want to create a fly-through video in the point cloud environment. Unfortunately I can not achieve the same good-looking effect as in other applications or UE feature video:…l=UnrealEngine

**I tried changing the point budget, min screen size and point size but with no result. **

That is an example area in point cloud application.



This is the same area in UE 4.25



I will be grateful for any advice on how to fix my problem.

I haven’t tried point clouds for a while but it looks like the resolution got reduced during the import or export of the cloud. You probably guessed that. It is very obvious when you look at the exit sign.

You’ll want to look into setting the point size to be smaller and also what the point budget is. If you play around with the potree player settings for example (link), you can see how if you make the point size smaller, your scene looks better (up to a point) even at lower resolution. And same goes for point budget… the point budget may be a lot higher in your other tools which might be why the Unreal one looks worse (but you also need to let the use adjust point budget based on what their device can handle).

Hello, It seems that I have found a solution to my problem. I did it on UE 4.26 with e.57 point cloud. I followed TimeScience’s advice and changed the point size and point budget. However, what really solved my problem was setting the Point size to 0. Then my point cloud started to look ok. I also want to thank S-Dot for his suggestion about resolution. In my first attempts, I was using point cloud with 1 cm distances between points, which was too thin for good-looking animation.