Niagra snow swirl/fall within a snowglobe?

Hi all,

Trying to create a falling snow effect within a glass sphere/snowglobe that will collide with other geometry (imported from C4D).

If I place the snow emitter outside of the glass sphere, collision seems to work fine on the Unreal sphere mesh, but doesn’t seem to see or collide with the imported C4D geometry (unless I create a blocking volume), but if I try to move the emitter and geometry INSIDE the sphere, the particle collisions don’t work anymore.

I tried editing the geometry meshes and turned on "double sided geometry’ in the collision drop down, but this doesn’t work either.

Would really appreciate any help or advice!



hi @gs3creative

My advice is seperate the glass and the internals of the globe. you can then place the emitter above the inner meshes and place the glass around / on top of it, make sure the glass is hollowed out tho! it may be blocking the particles. and may need a more complex collision map if you wish the particles to interact with the glass also.

Thanks High500,

The Glass sphere (snowglobe) and the internals are already separated (if you mean they are separate meshes). How can I ensure that the globe is hollowed out?

Thanks again for your advice!


to hollow out would mean inside blender or any suitable 3d software, create a duplicate of the globe , shrink it slightly then boolean subtract or whatever method you would use.

This then creates an empty space within the globe glass but you probably have to use a complex collision mesh to handle it correctly which takes into account the inside.