ive just discovered that in the robo recall modkit Editor niagara isnt crashing anymore. but it seems that i dont unterstand the scripting. i am not able to spawn any particles. any help would be nice thanks. @anonymous_user_f5a50610 how have you got those paticles spawning?
It does not crash dome versions now and i indeed managed to spawn visible praticules ;3
but i don’t understand how this entire things work so not sure if im doing things right way, also the whole editor don’t react for any user error, it let oyu set value types whatever you like even if it doesn’t make any sense also it seems some things don’t work as all like velocity, or else i missing something
Most importent thing to conenct all outputs of the script
How did you get Niagara visible in the Robo Recall mod kit?
I tried adding these lines to Engine.ini (The only one I found was under Program Files\Epic Games\RoboRecallModKit\Engine\Config\Localization):
But it’s not showing up as an option under Misc.
Edit: Ah! Found it. They moved it to BaseEngine.ini
Also adding another bump! Definitely my most wanted. Its amazing how long Cascade held up and still holds up! But the node based stuff Niagara looks hella juicy!
In the new roadmap you can see Niagara is in the future releases category, second place too (whether higher up means higher priority or not I don’t know). The developer comment in this thread was half a year ago and it seems it wasn’t near completion back then, fair to assume it’s not going to be in 4.17, more likely that it will be in 4.18 or even 4.19 in experimental form and take another version before being finalized. That said I imagine we’ll start getting info on it pretty soon.
Any updates on the status of Niagara?! I know it’s at the top on the roadmap on the Trello, but it’s barely talked about. VFX overhaul is long overdue and this will be a super powerful tool.
We’re still hard at work getting it production ready. I realize how frustrating this must be with so little information for so long.
Over the past year, we’ve gone through multiple iterations in order to turn Niagara into a tool that is both powerful and easy to use. There’s been lots of iterating, lots of back and forth with our artists, and much writing, fixing, changing, and rewriting of the code along with enormous strides on the UI and workflow front as well in functionality and flexibility itself. For the past 8 months, we’ve been making rapid progress and are moving in a direction that we’re all happy with.
I don’t want to reveal too much yet, because we are still a ways from done, but what we can do in the system already is pretty amazing. It’s a complicated beast, with fully customizeable particle behaviors, data exchange from outside systems, a comprehensive event system, various levels of programmability, and to top it all off, transparent CPU/GPU simulation - so there are huge amounts of moving parts that all have to work together - and we’re trying to do this right, or as close to right as possible, the first time.
Workflows are really important to us as well, because we want to give the power user access to the full flexibility of the system (and it’s really flexible) while making it easy to perform the 99% case tasks of building visual effects. This has taken us a considerable amount of time, but we all feel we’re moving quickly into the right direction now.
The occasional drop of information should slowy increase to a trickle over the very near future, but we do have a ton of work still to do before we feel confident enough to open the floodgates
I’ve checked out Niagara in both the promoted branch (about 2 months ago and this week) and in UE4.17 preview 2. Does it crash for anyone else as soon as you try to save a niagara asset? Looking around worked ok, but can’t really do anything when the editor crashes when trying to save.
I realize there’s a good chance you can’t comment on this, but is it possible to say that it’s at least going to come out in the 2018 time-frame? Cascade is really showing its age and Niagara sounds fantastic in concept.
I recently saw a big push in code for niagara in the master branch, so I’m downloading the source to compile and see what’s new. I hope that niagara is in 4.18 as an experimental feature, but only time will tell.
One thing that is on my mind though is how niagara will be presented. Unreal helped me so much in regards to how presentable and imho easy to understand everthing is in the editor.
Blueprints - a visual way to scripting
Node system for materials/shaders - extremely intuitive rather than writing lines of code.
However, like a few pointed out before me cascade isnt really that and is starting to feel a bit outdated as it functions very similar to any other engine out there.
So is there anything you can tell us on how the philisophy of designing the new pipeline for Niagara have been to have a similar impact the other two I previously mention have had but now for vfx?
In the Editor 4.17.2 \UE_4.17\Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini setting EnableNiagara=true make a new Niagara option to appear in the content browser
Niagara Emitter and Script give a crash, Effect allow to open a new design window but any attempt to create something new come to a crash.
Niagara compare in other menus also, is anyone able to obtain other results than crashes?
My goal is to emit particles from textures.