I’m new to UE and don’t really know how to approach my problem, perhaps that’s why I couldn’t google a solution for it. So here’s what I want to achieve:
I need a Niagara System effect to be only visible on the video camera. In other words player cannot see the effect looking at it directly, but if they use a video camera (in-game object) then effect is visible on the camera display.
Video camera is implemented with a Material created from a Render Target put on the camera’s mesh. Camera can be picked up by the player and carried around, so player can see the environment through it. I can think of two ways to solve my issue: either make NS effect invisible for eyes but somehow detectable by the camera or adding the effect directly on the Render Target so I don’t have to deal with effect’s invisibility. None of these ideas bring me anywhere.
I imagine I’m not the first implementing this, so there must be rather straightforward solution. If somebody could describe how this can be done at least on a high level so I can figure out the details, it would be highly appreciated. If the trick is impossible with Niagara System, doing it with particles or even static meshes would be an option for me.
Thank you