niagara substeps

I have animated a niagara emitter (only ribbons visible) circulating pretty quickly around this sphere.

Now I’d like to achieve the impression of a laser plane / circular laser beam cutting through the sphere. But I get these regular gaps in between the lines. Even huge spawn rate numbers will not close the gaps, that can be seen here. Is there a subsample / substeps parameter that I could crank up so that the emission is calculated better in between the frames?

Any ideas?

Thanks for your help!

working env:
unreal 5.4.4, macOS sonoma

I think you should try a different approach and use materials instead of the Niagara system to create the effect of a sliced beam of light. Alternatively, if you insist on using Niagara, you can increase the size of the particles and boost the number of particle spawns.

Alright. Will create an animated texture and plug this into a plane. Keep u posted on this one.