Niagara Sub UV Slow Playback

Hi, every body
I have 2 questions about Niagara Sub Uvs
I am using EU 5.2
with only one spawnRate:

  1. I try to slow down the reading of the sub UVs for this, I try to modify the curve in the SubUVanimation module, but it is not very convincing, also can we create a user parameter?

At worst the module does not display all the images.
Do you know if it is possible to set the blendingSub UV in the render module.

  1. I tried in blue print to modify the texture in the used material, without success, what did I miss.
    Good for you

I just found a first answer: The Sub UVanimation module is based on the “NormalizedAge” in SubUV Lookup Index therefore, the scrolling of the images will be done in relation to the Lifetime in Initialize particle, it is enough to increase or decrease to modify the scrolling speed of the SUB UV . On the other hand, I don’t know why the images pile up without scrolling.


If the previous method works for Spawn Burst, it works with Spawn Rates. The idea is to modify the module d’animation Sub UV and in particular the ligne d’index de recherche de sous-UV en la modifier avec un floateur multiple. Dans A, nous allons regarder dans les parameters pour la Particle NormalizeAge In B nous entrons soit une constante, soit un parameter utilisateur que nous créons. It works.