Niagara Ribbon Trail gap issue on Bullet

I don’t Understand why but when the bullet spawns, its Niagara trail has a gap as seen in the picture. It should spawn attached to the nozzle (Ignore the spheres I added those so I could showcase it in picture) Is there a way to fix that?

P.S. I also did print string the bullet world location on begin play and the bullet spawn world location when the player hits the trigger. They returned the same value.

Niagara System:

Ingame Example:

Bullet spawn on rifle:

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It could be caused by many things, but the two that came to my mind are

  1. The particles life is set to random
  2. The emmiter life cycle is set to infinite insted of once (if you need it to persist you can just increase the emitter life)

Let me know if any of this did solve it

No, didn’t solve the issue, the particle mode of the ribbon is set to Direct Set (20) and changing the cycle to like 20s and increased the emitter life. Still same result. This video is an ingame example of what I mean, its a bit hard to see so the first image I posted show it a bit better.

Something that might help is that I have a time dilation ability, and slowed down this is the gap:

whereas not slowed down is this:

I FOUND A FIX! A friend of mine suggested that I added a warmup time to the Niagara effect which as it says there it warms up the Niagara effect before it activates since if the object is going too fast (such as a bullet) then the effect activates late. Hope this helps someone else :slight_smile:

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