This is sort of self explanatory. I have a character with a splinecomponent, and a niagara particle system component. the system follows the spline.
If I hit play, it’s invisible. The spline is there, but no particle system.
If I go open up the particle system in the editor, it magically shows up in the game.
It’s added as a component in the character’s blueprint:
It seems like it doesn’t load it until I explicitly do so in the editor, so how do I load this particle system? (other niagara particle systems seem to work just fine elsewhere in the game)
edit: this particle system is added in c++ vs the working ones that are added on a blueprint itself. I would try moving it to the blueprint version of the class vs adding as a component in c++ but I’m using it for some logic in the c++.
I have an update to this:
changing it from a niagara component in c++ to a niagara particle system component on the blueprint itself didn’t fix anything. I still had to open the particle system up once in the editor before it would show up in PIE.
update to the update:
I made a new niagara system and used that instead, works fine. no clue what happened to the initial one, but I’m deleting it and saying goodnight to this nightmare.
I know this is old but this is the thread that came up when searching for my problem.
I don’t know if this completely relates to OP’s issue, but i had a problem where my niagara particles weren’t visible until i had opened them up in the editor. I Had an export particle data to bp on my min emitter but a disable one on another. Deleting the disabled emitter fixxed my issue.
I’m having a very similar issue… My User Parameters will not get updated (They’re injected from c++) until I open the Niagara System (No changes or compile, just opening)
No disabled Emitters and using UE 5.3