Niagara fluids not showing in packaged project

Hi! I used the Colored Smoke Fluid System from the Content Sample. It works fine inside editor and also when run standalone, but not when packaged. There are no warnings in the log. I have substrate enabled in the settings. Thanks in advance.

I made a video that shows the project when run from the editor. The smoke effect shows about 45 seconds in.

I’m having the same issue. UE 5.3.2, niagara volumetric fluids not showing up after doing a windows packaging.
Everything works fine and looks correct in viewport and in PIE. Only sprites and 2d fluids show up when packaging. No 3d grid systems appear.

Having the same issue here, also working with 5.3.2. Have you found anything ?

Also, I don’t see anything particular in the log

Dealing with this too, is there really just no solution for this? I know it’s an experimental feature, but I figured an issue that renders the whole niagara fluids system (or at least the 3D portion of it) essentially unusable outside of being a neat editor gimmick would be kind of important to solve.

(Edit: I’m not sure exactly what did it, but I solved it by changing the mesh renderer back to particle instead of emitter, turning on heterogeneous volumes in the project settings as well as the emitter itself, and setting the volume renderer’s render visibility to 1. Idk which one specifically did the job, but it seems to work for me.)

I’ve confirmed that for a new 5.3.2 project, changing the mesh renderer to particle was the only change necessary. The project already had heterogeneous volumes turned on, so I also confirmed that turning it off breaks the Niagara system again. Turning this on for the emitter itself was not necessary.

For anyone wondering where this setting is, click the master emitter in the blueprint, search for “mesh renderer” and look for “Source Mode”


I did what you did, it’s working perfectly.
Maybe as OHC said you only need to set the mesh renderer to paricles, will try also on my part ! But thanks, that’s fantastic !

Quick follow up, as OHC_69 said, you only need to paricles in the mesh renderer :wink:


I have a similar problem with 5.3.2 and will now go try this Hope it works because its the difference between a cool looking explosion and a cheap sprite based one for my project.

Sadly, this did not fix the problem for me. Oh well.

Setting Source Mode to Particles is the solution also for me. I am using it on a “Portal” with smoke effect. Packed for Windows. Works now. Thanks @OHC_69

Thank you so much!