Niagara Fluids Buoyancy

Been trying my best for the past couple days to figure out how to do this.
I just need a ball to splash around in the FLIP pool when it lands and stay on the surface.
I’ve tried Exporting Niagara data to blueprint but that causes collision issues with the pool.
I’ve tried sphere casting and sphere collision box on the ball but it doesn’t overlap with the pool or the actor parent of the pool.

Anyone got any ideas? I’m new to this so it’s quite overwhelming and I might need a bit more of a detailed explanation. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

One thing that make work is getting the Physics Volume to work with the ball since it only works with my character but no idea how to do that.

Generally I’d assume to use a physics volume to create buoyancy, with the ball mesh set to simulate physics.

Tried that but it only seems to work on my character not on the ball

Probably something wrong with the ball. Might need a simple collision or mass or something peculiar like that. It’s been a while since I’ve done that with water. If you have any of those blue starter cubes, I’m guessing they would float and you could compare.