Hey, I have couple of questions regarding the new fluid simulation particles:
- The collision does not seam to work properly with actors, for example using a cube (Engine/BasicShapes/Cube) as StaticMeshActor and setting the tag ‘collider’ blocks the fluid, but when the same cube mesh is added inside of a new blueprint Actor as Static Mesh with same actor tag it affects the particle only when moving and does not provide same result, I’ve tried setting tag on component but same problem. (I’m trying to block Grid 3D Gas Simple Particle)
- Is it possible to collide with multiple characters (Physics Assets), and how to set up for characters that spawn after. In Content Examples is shown how a single Source Actor is setup for Physics Asset, but setting a default source does not work. (I’m trying to make Lyra Characters collide with the smoke)
- Is it possible to change collision of static meshes to use the complex collision? Lyra building tools don’t generate simple collision from what I’ve noticed and smoke is not blocked at all.