I try to achieve render my rocket like it fly one instance through all path. But can’t figure out how?
Now it appears at spawning and then after a few seconds:
I might have misinterpreted your English a little so forgive me if i have.
You are spawning only 1 particle is this correct?
is the lifetime long enough for this particle to remain on screen?
if its supposed to be an engine trail you will need more than one particle and a velocity for them to follow.
if its an individual rocket you need to allow the particle to last long enough, so its life must be lengthy and also the timeline needs to be long enough.
Have you thought about just creating the rocket itself in unreal and give it a velocity in there, then add trails with niagara?
Hi @High500
Sorry about my English, and thank you for try to help me.
My goal is do rocket via the Niagara system.
I just want the effect to be created and not disappear, I deactivate it myself when, when I destroy projectile.
But now the effect appears when I spawn the projectile does not move along with it, disappears after a few seconds, and then reappears again.
that sounds like the particle life, i would set it to direct set, then click the down arrow next to the lifetime box and choose distance between points
on far left create 2 new User Parameters “StartVector” and “EndVector”
both make new> Common>Vector
drag start to the A input in intitialise particle> lifetime
drag End to the B input
They can be accessed from c++ or blueprints from then onwards
I found, but it is very strange, I just want the mesh to show up and keep moving. I have a bunch of effects from the paragon, I just added them and that’s all, I did not control anything through logic.
I can not understand why NS is so complicated, I can not solve the simplest problem. I can take the old effects from the cascade and add them to my projectile and there are no problems.
ok keep it basic, set it to direct set, then change the partice life to like 1000 see if it lasts longer?
and set the lifetime of the system longer in the timeline
You are not adding any initial force or anything to the particle, anyway heres a novelty, reset the system to how it was and change the “Particle state>Kill Particles” untick
where is the emitter attached to?
it looks like you are moving the emitter
thats your problem. you dont need the particle for the rocket as you are attached to it, i guess there is code moving that mesh?
if not you have the whole system backwards
here is how it should work. Emitter attached to the end of the gun, rocket is a projectile and u add velocity to its partcile
emitter attached to the rocket and you only spawn its trails, use blueprint code to move the rocket
i would go with this last 1, use blueprints to move the rocket, easier to detect collision, just add the particle emitter to make the rocket trail
On image is actor (projectile), and NE_Effect is emitter, mesh is empty (I added for test only).
I move this actor with attached NE, but NE is not render every frame.
but the actor rocket you use, SHOULD be the rocket mesh, place the emitter at the rear of the rocket and generate flames trails
you are spawning a STILL particle once every lifecycle of the emitter
which drops each time it spawns
remove the rocket emitter, add mesh to the actor, use only tails/flames for the rocket in the Niagara system
All you are doing is spawning a new rocket every time the niagara system timeline restarts, as there is no velocity it stays put
you are already moving the rocket actor, use the mesh on there its so much easier
I understand, but I don’t want to use mesh, I want NE rocket like epic did with projectiles cascade example.
so you need a tutorial using Niagara then as it seems there are diffences, but the emitter must not move or the projectile will spawn at each cycle
let me see if i can find one
UE5 l How to Create Simple Projectile l Niagara VFX Tutorial l Unreal Engine 5 - YouTube
start from 1:54, before that he is making materials instead of using sprite renderer use your mesh