Niagara component rendering disappears when event handler properties > execution mode set to spawned particles

Have many people been working with the component renderer in Niagara yet?

I am coming across a confusing problem: components not rendering at received locations.

In the attached examples, the chicken (mesh renderer) and flame effect (component renderer) appear when event handler execution mode is set to Every Particle, Spawn Number = 1.

As soon as I change the execution mode to Spawned Particles, I get lots of chickens, but the flame effects disappear.

Any ideas why this might be happening?


Cl… cluuuuuck!

Shamelessly pinging my own post to see if anyone here has a solution or can suggest some further troubleshooting.

You could try and disable the option to only create components for newly spawned particles (it’s in the advanced options on the component renderer).
Otherwise check the attribute spreadsheet to check that everything looks correct in both cases.