Newsletter with UE tutorials and general programming content

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to tell that I have been writing a newsletter for some time, and its content is mostly Unreal Engine oriented with some general programming content etc. As such it lands somewhere between series of tutorials, learning material and newsletter. Some of you may know me as a developer of Planetrism (, that got Unreal Engine Dev Grant last year. Although I sometimes use our development as an example, this is not a dev blog of our game - focus in this newsletter is general game development, mostly UE oriented.

Some things that I have presented in the newsletter:

  • Algorithm complexity theory
  • Algorithm and data structure optimization
  • Network and multiplayer programming
  • Effective use of Git with free tools in Unreal development
  • My Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence projects

I will continue putting out material on those subjects (especially AI and Machine Learning) and more, like Blueprint programming and optimization, C++ programming etc.

Last issue contained the second part of Git tutorial for Unreal Engine users, and there is a downloadable Git for Unreal Engine Reference Sheet, also.
It is a summary and comparison on how to use Git workflow with UE Source Control plugin, Git Bash and TortoiseGit (or some other Git GUI Tool) side by side.

I hope you find the newsletter useful.

EDIT: There was a typo in the link and it seems impossible to change it in these posts. So, here is the real link to newsletter.

Hi!! thanks for this! I’m really interested in the topic.

The link is not working for me, is that normal?


There was a typo in the link, sorry about that. It is now fixed.

Just released a new issue, which continues the subject of multiplayer game development using an example game shown in the picture. Example uses scenery available in Marketplace, but the game mechanics will be developed on top of that, as an introduction to multiplayer programming. This will continue in subsequent issues.

Nice! I went through a couple of archive, it’s interesting, well written and globally transfers good vibes! signed up :slight_smile:

Edit: Oh and by the way, Planetrism sound like a great design, I’d definetly buy this!