News on 4.8.1?

Anyone know when this hotfix patch will drop? I currently have a Blueprint project ( cuz i dont know c++ sadface ) that has the loadlinker crash bug. I’m really trying to test multiplayer but can’t due to the package bug. Is there a date for this? or am i waiting till 4.9?

If you’re referring the “Deffered linker load delete fix”, then yes, it’ll be in 4.8.1.

As far as I know Epic does not have a fixed date for 4.8.1 yet, but I guess it will come in the mid or end of next week. But that’s just guessing :wink:

The 4.8.1 hotfix is out, but it’s 2.6GB in size. Would have liked it if the Epic Games Launcher showed the size of the update so that I could have known what to expect :slight_smile: It’s close to the end of the month and I’m a bit low on available bandwidth