Anyone know when this hotfix patch will drop? I currently have a Blueprint project ( cuz i dont know c++ sadface ) that has the loadlinker crash bug. I’m really trying to test multiplayer but can’t due to the package bug. Is there a date for this? or am i waiting till 4.9?
If you’re referring the “Deffered linker load delete fix”, then yes, it’ll be in 4.8.1.
As far as I know Epic does not have a fixed date for 4.8.1 yet, but I guess it will come in the mid or end of next week. But that’s just guessing
The 4.8.1 hotfix is out, but it’s 2.6GB in size. Would have liked it if the Epic Games Launcher showed the size of the update so that I could have known what to expect It’s close to the end of the month and I’m a bit low on available bandwidth