Newly spawned actor changes/lowers it's z axis on every new instance of being spawned

I am trying to make a sphere rise out of the ground and surround my player. I spawn a new actor from class at an arrow component that is attached to the player_BP. The sphere is part of its own BP_class and has an addWorldoffset attached to it as to make it rise up out of the ground on begin play.

This system seems to work at first, but as I use this event as the player to summon the sphere, on each instance of it being spawned, it spawns in with a slightly lower z axis value than the previous instance. This will continue to happen till the sphere no longer spawns in above the ground.

Im not sure how it starts off by working ok but then keeps adding some sort of transform as you spawn a new one. I destroy the actor every time after about 2 seconds of it rising out of the ground.

It’s something in your code, can you show that?

here is the blueprint for the sphere that rises out of the ground, I have put in a timeline to try and take the action away from event tick but the problem exists nonetheless

I believe the problem is very interesting because at first it does indeed work perfectly as it should. I destroy the actor every time after I spawn it in, and the move/effect is over. I do not understand how spawning in a new instance would change the parameters of the object at all, if the first time and basically second time it works as expected.

To make the sphere rise and then disappear, all you need is:

It sounds like you have a problem with the calling code…