New to unreal. I have started from scratch that is blank project with no third_Person_BP. I have added character and animations from mixamo and I created Player blueprint, Input actons and axis mappings. I am stuck at a point while making Blend Space_1D blueprint, and animation blueprint. By watching some tutorials I added idle , walk and run in blend soace 1D blueprint but I have no idea how to add jump up, jump idle, jump down and crouch animations and what do I do in animation Blueprint. Please help me out.
Hey @tanzLdrago! Welcome to the Forums!
So the main issue is just animating those actions and not triggering them, is that correct? Would you mind sharing what you have so far? Also, could you share the tutorial you used so we have a better understanding of what you are starting with?
Any additional specifics or information you can provide may go a long way in solving your problem!
Yeah You got somewhat right. I don’t know what codes should I write in “event graph of animation BP”. And as like for “Idle/walk/run” we add them in the blend space 1D and called them in Animation BP (inside “Idle/walk/run” state of locomotion), so do I need to create another Blend space to add Jump up, jump idle, jump down, crouch and crouch walking? I watched Ben Omstrad’s video tutorial for character movement from scratch in blank project.
Hey @tanzLdrago,
You won’t need to create blend spaces for every animation. Check out this informative non-Epic affiliated video that breaks down the process including jumping and other states, as well as the Epic Mannequin in the third person template:
Hey @tanzLdrago,
Checking in! Was the above what you needed to resolve your problem?