Newbie Question

I’m attempting to construct a large elevated platform using geometry shapes (8 columns, one large flat elevated surface). I’m thinking it may be best to create this platform in 4 segments. There is likely a way to save a single segment (two columns and one flat elevated surface) that I’m not seeing. Could someone either explain to me how to save this construct as its own asset (stand alone outside its environment so I can call it up again and duplicate it) or provide a link that shows me exactly what needs to be done to accomplish this.

Thanks in advance

Haha, I’ll admit that is a very newbie question, just create a new Blueprint Class(Actor), and drag the components into the BP viewport.

I always try to be honest, even if I look kinda stupid asking. Asking is how you learn, right? :slight_smile:
I think my issue was the use of the term ‘blueprint’ where I think of things like that as an assets (and certainly not an actor). Now I know.

Thanks for the quick response and the heads-up.