ok so what is being thrown at what here? it looks like the octopus kills the hampsterball and the hampsterball kills the player. its a bit confusing to see that your going for here.
on a unrelated note i noticed the way you are applying damage to the player isnt correct. you need to subtract damage from the health variable, right now its setup the opposite way.
Hello everyone, i 'm trying to make a mechanic for my prototype where you grab specific objects(spheres and they are a blueprint actor) and when i throw them to the other players i want them to lose health.Currently i am just trying to destroy the other player actors to check the functionality. It doesn’t seem to work but my understanding of the collisions doesn’t help either.The player class is a c++ premade character class.How can someone go around doing something like that?The blueprints of the player class with the collisions tab and the sphere object are bellow.Thank you for your time!
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Sorry the naming of the pics is off, the octapus is the player,the ball is being thrown to other octapi players and it needs to apply damage.The problem i have is that i dont know the best way to implement this and get it working, i saw many iterations online , tried a few but none of the work.As for the health component my bad just noticed it!Right now i try to just to pick a hamsterball with the player and throw it to another and destroy it.Normally it should subtract health first, but the hit doesnt get registered anyways.So i dont really know which is the best way to deal with this problem.Also in the hamsterball blueprint i have a sphere collision and a mesh, is it an overkill to have both of them?
ok so i just created a similar script and the main points are to make sure the collision on the hampsterball sphere is set to block all and insure that it is also set to generate hit events. this will allow the on hit event to be fired. in my case i actually defined that only the collision sphere could generate the hit event. now you also want to be sure that the hit event only affects other characters right? this is where things get a little tricky if your making a multiplayer game. so i didnt want any hit event to fire when the player is throwing the projectile so i added a little check that compared the hit actor to the player and based a branch off that. this made it so the hit would affect everything except the player (which included the floor). to avoid this i took the hit actor and casted to the character class so now the hit event will only affect characters that are not the player. then i finally moved on to the destroy actor.
the main point here is make sure that your hampsterballs collision is set to block all and generate hit events and things should start working better.
also if you wanted to use the begin overlap like you have already then just set the collision to overlap all, then take the other actor and cast to the character class.
Yes that did it!Now i can destroy the actors so i can start implementing the damage system!Thanks a lot again.One question though because its something that still confuses me, i have my mesh and my collision component.They both have simulate physics and the collisions options and channels.Should i have on both the same option or it isnt required?
Also something else that came up is that using your != for player controller , ensures that the player 0 wont die by the ball, but if another player grabs, they will die.Since its a local multiplayer game thats problematic , will setting some bools work with this or is there a better way?
Im sure there is a better way like when the item is picked up set a variable that is of ghe actor that picked it up. Something like that should work. I would try to script it for you but my computer is dead right now
Yeah i thought of something similar will attempt it tomorrow , thanks for the help and i hope the damage isn’t really that bad!