Newbie question about models and what can be bound to them

So let us say that I have some models: hammer, anvil, wood, steel, rocks, rubber, miscellaneous items, glass, fuel. All of these items could be picked up by player and all can go into inventory. It can also go into a players hand and can be dropped.

What I’d like to know is if I can attach another object to it that contains name, icon (2D graphic), and type. My basic thinking is this, when the model is dropped or in hand it is the 3D model. When the model is moused over, the object.Name is displayed. When in inventory, the object.Icon is shown, and when the player sorts the inventory it is sorted on object.Type, object.Name.

I’m sure this can be done since Unreal has been an object model since day 1, just do not know how it is done.