Newbie Q: How to set up character controller blueprint

I’m trying to set up my inputs using the Advanced Inputs in 5.11. Input Actions and Mapping contexts are easy to understand and make but adding control in a blueprint has me confused. I’ve watched a bunch of videos and everyone seems to have something different that they do and quite of few of them include things that I simply can’t find on 5.11 (Like Get Controller that shows it’s a pawn but not a pawn controller?)

Most seem to start with On BeginPlay but someone else said use On Posses so it works on respawn as well (no such event on my version.

Can anyone provide a link to the proper way to set up the blueprint for mapping control? (Using the individual actions is simple enough).


I don’t know if I get this corect but
Way not use the controller setup that comes when you start a new project in 5.1?

Of do you mean to remapping the controller?

Also use Event Begin Play, it gives the best performance

Thanks for the replies! I just realized why I was having so many problems finding nodes following tutorials - The “Context Sensitive” option was hiding the node types I was looking for. Once I unchecked that box they showed up. I should have a much easier time learning this now.