New VisionOS support in ue-main

What is the plan here? If anyone gets this to work in the VisionOS simulator, please post here!

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I’m seeing a lot of VisionOS work going in on ue5-main branch. gonna fork and see if I can access

Unity talk at the end is all about AVP and how they are implementing it in Unity. Its no small task.

Hi, @Calrizien .

Any lucks with ue5-main?

I’m also trying to run a default project generated with the latest ue5-main on VisionOS simulator.
In my case, The built itself is somehow done, but the engine can’t pack the result.
And, it complains that I don’t have the simulator which matches with my project.

It would be really helpful if Epic Games opens how we can, at least, run the default project into VisionOS Simulator.


+1 I need this functionality. I do not like Unity pricing model, it is unfair and unreal :wink: We need a hero.