New to UE5, Have no idea how to fix this error or what it means

Hey @Teleoscyberman!

Looks like you are trying to package your game with editor functionality. Did you include any C++ files, plugins, etc, that affect your editor at all?

Any additional specifics you provide may go a long way in solving your problem!

Hi, I don’t believe I did, I didn’t touch any coding software building the project, I stuck with using blueprints, but I’m insanely inexperienced in UE5 I just stuck to copying tutorials online to make my project, I don’t think I used any plugins either but I’m unsure.

Hey @Teleoscyberman!

When you open your .uproject file with a text editor, can you see “Desktop Platform”? If not what do you see?

Hello @Quetzalcodename

When opened in Visual Studio 2022, here are all the results for “DesktopPlatform”

The forum will only let me send one image but most of the rest is from the error logs.

Hey @Teleoscyberman!

What you are looking for will not be in your main VS files. Instead you want to right click your .uproject file → open with → notepad (or something similar). From there let me know what you see:

Hey @Teleoscyberman,

Checking in! Were you able to see any plugins in your .uplugin file when opening it with a text editor?