New to UE4 and want to know if something is possible

Hello. I am completely new to ue4 and am creating a video game for a school project. In my game, the world starts off as black and white and the hero must unlock colors as the game progresses. (long backstory lol just go along with it) This is for an architecture course, so we are only focusing on the landscape. So my question is, how can I make start the game off as completely black and white and unlock color one at a time? Like walking through a forest and only seeing red maples while the rest are b&w.

I would appreciate any help :confused: Thanks so much in advance.

You can do this by setting the material of everything to black, and then over time, changing it to the correct material.

Totally possible! I think setting the material on each object would be quite cumbersome, though.
I think an easier way to do this is to use a post-processing material that takes the color in, and does the appropriate change to see whether it should be forced grayscale, or “let through.”
You’ll need some knowledge of video color theory to be able to detect what “color” a pixel has, given its RGB value, though; that’s probably the most challenging part for a new graphics programmer.

This is actually very easy, change material or post process material as you progress.