New to scripting

Am very new to scripting… and very old. Am trying to create a mod, for Insurgency: Sandstorm, I want to be able to rename bots, but have no idea where to start, I open the editor, I can start a new script, I can right click and find a list of “Actions” but that’s it, the actions mean nothing, as there is limited, read almost nothing, to describe what they do. Is there a “bible” on what these “actions” do, and how to use them.

I would suggest to start with some Beginner Tutorials on Youtube, first :sweat_smile:

Short example:
YT Blueprint Beginner Tutorial

Unreal Blueprints (we shorten it with just BP) can be very confusing at the Beginning. Really much is learning by doing, where Tutorials will help you out at starting up.
Later, many Actions (we now call them Nodes) are basically 1:1 adaptions of cpp Functions… Reason for that:
BP Nodes are reflected Methods of Cpp Functions… Means… You see all this Lines and Boxes. The Game runtime sees Code :wink:

Another good place to Start with some Basics is the YT Channel of Ryan Laley, or the Channel CodeLikeMe.

Start small… really small… And trust me… Your Age is of no matter. You’ll make Progress fast, since BP Coding (not script… Code!) is really intuitive, Context sensitive and, if you keep your Code organized, beautiful to look at.

If you want some really funny negative examples of how to not create Code, Blueprints from Hell will add some smiley to everyone’s Faces.

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Thanks for the reply, I have started looking at the link you provided… one question, I can’t find the “Event BeginPlay” action/node, has it been renamed, or is there another action/node.

The EventBeginPlay is right there, when you create a new Blueprint Actor.
It is just… greyed Out as in Ghost Mode.

You can either drag a Line from that Ghost, to activate it…
Or rightclick on an Empty Space of your Graph, Type “Begin Play” into the Search Field of the PopUp Context Browser and Add a new Event BeginPlay.

Keep in Mind:
Each Actor can only have ONE BeginPlay, ONE Tick and ONE Destroyed Event.

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Stupid me, I didn’t click “Actor.”