Hello, Let me start by saying. I’m new to modeling I’ve only been doing it for a few weeks now. So please tell me anything I’m doing wrong or if something doesn’t look right. I’m here to get better so tell me how to improve. My goal is to be good enough to join a team or put some assets in the store, but I’m not sure how close or how far I am from that. Please tell me what you guys think of these. Here are a few eve made the past few days. Also Most of these are not textured they just have some maya textures on them.
I’m not an artist but i guess i can still give my 2cent.
The Models look ok for their topology, though there is not much to do wrong (They are all pretty simple in RL too)
You need to get the workflow of your program in your head, so that you just need to know WHAT you want to create
rather than figuring out how to creat it.
More important is your 2D Work. If you only want to model things and don’t do the 2D Work,
then that’s ok. Working in a big team you can split these 2 jobs. But if you want to use
the market, i highly recommend you to watch some texturing tutorials.
In my eyes, texturing is the hardest part (let alone organic modeling). So creating some
good textures and maps (normal maps) should also be one of your big learning points here.
And if you showcase something, better tell the polycount and use a brighter scene. Maybe
put them into the Unreal Engine to get some cool light.
Also together with the texturing part, you would need to learn the difference between high poly and
low poly models and how to retopo a high poly model (you want to have low poly for game engines
and fake alot of depth and details with textures). Also how to create AO and Normal Maps and these
kinds of things.
But like i said, i’m not a professional artist and you have a good start there. (:
Thanks, Yes i struggle a bit with texturing but i’m trying to learn Photoshop for that.Thanks for the information ill try to apply it in my future work.
If You Work in ue4 You should maybe setup your grid for scaling.
In maya yu change it at the grid options. Iam not Sure About The values
But something like 10.000 x 100 x 1 to get a Meter? Not at my Computer atm.
Edit: Modelling looks good, keep up.
Thanks, I’ve been wondering how to scale the grid. That helps alot!
I don’t want you to get confused about grid “scaling”. In Window> Settings/Preferences >Preferences >Settings (gotta love Autodesk)> make your Working Units (linear) whatever you want to work in. If you’re making a small object, go ahead and use centimeters, but I typically use feet because I’m used to that in real life. Don’t adjust your grid in any way. The grid lines will automatically represent one “unit” of whatever unit you are working in.
Unreal uses centimeters as its units, so you always need to export in centimeters. In your FBX export settings, set the Scale Factor unit conversion to centimeters. If you are working in cm already, the units that the grid represent will stay the same in UE4, but anything else needs to be converted so that Maya’s “unit” (i.e. a grid square) becomes Unreal’s “unit” which is centimeters. This confused me for years when people kept giving weird settings for the grid. If you are modeling in feet, the FBX exporter can scale your model by 30.48 so that it magically works perfectly without messing up the grid.
For critiques, I’d say that you are doing very well for a beginner. One of my biggest pet peeves with 3D modelers (of which I am one) is a lack of scale. Some people just don’t have the mental capacity to understand and realize 3D space on a computer. The handles on the cabinet would be too small or too fat, the desk would be too low for any chair to fit under, the hands on the clock would too short and the numbers wouldn’t fit right. Everything you have here is accurate to real objects and makes perfect sense to me, and that’s a pretty awesome place to be in for a beginner. You have years to practice to complete before you would be selling quality assets, but you just have to keep working on it. Maybe texturing could be your downfall as an artist, so you have to keep coming back looking for advice on materials and whatnot.
Yeah i already have Maya set to centimeters for unreal. And i will try to keep posting work on here as i finish them. Thanks for the help everyone!
Hey I can give you one advice - use bevel tool carefully! It’s really powerful feature that can make an “okay-ish model” turn into “OMG, that’s really cool” but be careful with values, sometimes just a tiny tiny notch of it is enough to create a realistic look… Too big of a value and you end up with cartoonish look…
Not professional modeler by any means, but I did spent my youth playing with Maya
Wish I had money to buy it, then I’d really look forward to practicing some modeling
Yeah i used Bevel in most of these models :D. And you can get Maya LT for 30$ a month on steam. That is what i did and its really worth it.Its the same as Maya with just a few of the misc stuff taken out for a cheaper price.And there is a button to send your scene right to a unreal project.
For beginning stages you have the concept down pact. Box modelling is where it starts, and ends in most cases. As mentioned above be careful of the amount of bevel you use. The reason is it tends to create geometry you dont need and makes texturing a nightmare. It also doesnt have any consideration for polygons which is essential for game assets. My advice with texturing is just to play around with it. The key to texturing is not even texturing itself. A good uv layout is essential. Check out digital tutors to enhamce your skill. Its a great site with great tutorials to look at.