New to coding, where am I going wrong? I've basically copiedthe Team Eliminations Game Mode tutorial word for word...

I think you copied it too many times :sweat_smile: you have a function called OnBegin() that you are defining twice, and once in the wrong spot. the top one needs to be deleted and the bottom one needs to be indented outwards so that it is indented at the same place the other one was. You can do that by highlighting all of the OnBegin function (everything from ‘OnBegin’ to ‘.Subscribe(OnPlayerSpawn)’ and clicking Shift+tab to shift the text left.

Coding can be a lot for sure and verse is very unique as well. One thing about verse is it depends on where your indents are, the indents are what decide the scope of your code.

Looks like you’ve also got OnPlayerSpawn() defined twice. You’ll want to double check the lesson code to verify the steps you doubled up on :smiley:

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