Hey everyone!
I use Reality Capture on a pretty basic level by just following the great tutorials of William Faucher on Youtube. Now with my upgrade to RC 1.2 it seems that it is not exporting my models correctly anymore. Imported to UE5.0 or 5.1. I can’t click them anymore in the viewport ONCE I removed all Material IDs in “MatEd” (UE5 modeling mode) in the way it is suggested in Williams tutorials. Applied textures show up not at all or completely incorrect. I use the UDIMs workflow, that William describes in his videos and with models created in the previous RC version everything works perfectly fine. Thanks for your help! : )
the mentioned tutorial was created for previous release of RealityCapture. There were some changes also in UDIMs. Can you try this workflow: RealityCapture Automated CLI pipeline for Large Datasets | Community tutorial with UE5 Photogrammetry Importer | Community tutorial