New series of UE4 guides

Hey guys! Since I retired from StarCraft this week (Tefel - Liquipedia - The StarCraft II Encyclopedia) I have much more time for recording and adding content to my Unreal YouTube channel. I decided to upload one movie every 24h. Here is my recent work from last 6 days (6 movies). I also want to make series about cool plugins and C++. What do You think? Thanks!


Awesome :smiley:

Thanks. New content everyday at 18:00 CET (11:00 EST) time

Little pickup system from todays guide.

hii guys, i want some tutorials on architectural visualization lighting can someone suggest me. it would be good if someone suggest me, thanks in advance.

hi, maybe I will make tutorial about this who knows. There are many examples on the web. Good Luck

My recent video:

A lot of good stuff in here! Thank you very much.

Nice! I cheered for you on some occasions (when you played against Naniwa, for example^^). That’s a lot of interesting stuff there.

Hey guys. I continue series of guides for UE4:

This time I focused on UWidgets. Please share what do you think about them!

Of course I am opened for the future tutorial suggestions. Thank you for your suggestions. You are right that there is a lot of space to cover with some knowledge base videos.
I will take it into consideration when recording new tutorial these two Collisions/Movement and Multiplayer.

My idea was to run 2 different series - tutorials (long) and guides (around few minutes long):
there are some very nice tutorials in my opinion to check.

For example:

Larger fist makes collision size much bigger. It is also resizing by curve so you can imagine how bigger sphere collision interacts with these 3 interactable elements.

Thank you for your suggestion!