New Scriptable Tools in UE5.5

Hi, has anyone played with the updated Scriptable Tools yet in UE5.5?

I’m having an issue with the Add Mouse Hover Behavior Node (which is in the new Editor Scriptable Modular Behavior Tool class). The setup is unusual as for click, drag and hover you have to do a hit test (fire a ray into the scene and hit and object i.e. clicked on something in the world) before it activates the other callbacks.

None the less, it’s fine with click and drag, but its not clear to me what test you need to run for hover. Right now it’s firing the hit test along with On Begin Hover, On Update Hover and On End Hover every frame. Or I can fail the hit test (just make the output bool false but then nothing works).

As with a lot of thing Unreal, I can’t find any documentation on this to help. Anyone figured it out?


Hi, I believe you need to setup the begin hover sequence method. As for what to return, there’s a util method “Make Input Ray Hit Max Depth” from scriptable tools you could use as the return value.
There’s also another one for “Make Input Ray Miss”. My guess is that you can use one or the other to say that the click can be tracked and have your tool work.
The fact that you need to return a ray hit is very odd but I finally got it to work this way (mine was a drag and drop …)

Thanks. I just went without it in the end (it was a nice to have for my tool but not essential). I might try again using your feedback though when I get a chance just because I’d love to know how to do it for future reference. Thanks for the feedback.