New marketing opt-in in Creator Portal

When publishing your island, you now have the option to allow Epic to promote your island across social media channels, blogs, or even in-game (e.g., Epic’s Picks)! By default, this option is enabled at the time of publishing. Please review the opt-in language to understand the terms and conditions of allowing Epic to promote your island.

If you do not want to opt in, or if you previously consented to Epic promoting your island but have changed your mind, you can uncheck the opt-in box.

Don’t forget to opt in for previously published islands to avoid missing out on promotional opportunities! Opting in is an important step to getting your island featured in Epic’s Picks. To opt-in for existing islands, you’ll find the checkbox inside the ‘…’ dropdown in the upper right corner of the individual project view.

Please note that opting in alone does not guarantee consideration for Epic’s Picks. At this time an application is also required for consideration in Epic’s Picks. Submit your application here

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