[NEW] Listen server (steam) only works on local network

PLEASE HELP my year-long project is going to fail

My online multiplayer game uses listen server. So a player would go and host and another can join. When launching through steam, I tested 2 game instances on 2 PCs within the same network, and both worked. Client B is able to detect Client A (listen host)'s lobby and join.

However, when the 2 PCs are using different networks (still within the same region), the clients can no longer find each other. Please I have been stuck for 4 days trying to get it to work now. I am using advanced sessions plugin, online subsystems steam, and blueprints.

I am thinking it might have something to do with the host’s ports being closed or something. Steam Support :: Hosting a Local (Listen) Server for Valve Games

How hosting and searching/joining is done:

Game Instance

Widget BP

Do you have a steam app id or are you using spacewar?

Looks like you’re only trying to join the first session you find? I’d start by printing the list of sessions found to double check something strange isn’t going on.

I’d also recommend implementing Session Invites / Joining via Presence.

I am using my own steam ID atm but it doesn’t seem to matter. To get steam overlay and connection to steam I added the exe to my steam library and launched that way. Is that a concern?

I do have a sessions scroll box and it can display multiple sessions and choose to join either ones. It just doesn’t work when the clients are in different networks.

Also wdym by joining via presence?

If the overlay is working and steam reports that you’re playing your game you should be good. Only difference I can see to my setup is you have anti cheat enabled.

Presence allows friends to just click join on you in their friends list. You have to use a custom game instance, also supports invites.

yeah so it would work without presence joining? I just need my very basic lobby finder to work.
Super strange how it works perfectly when the 2 pcs are on the same network but fails completely when one is in a different network. Any solutions to that? Everything else works as it should.

Please lemme know if u need more stuff i can provide more on how i set up and stuff

If anyone comes across this - one possible reason is if you are packaging your game in “shipping” mode, you might need to manually include the “steam_appid.txt” file in your game folder \Binaries\Win64\ folder.

The text file should contain your app id (i.e. “480” or whatever you use).