New Line/Spline Renderer (open source)

I’ve been porting a project from Unity to Unreal Engine, and not finding any line renderers anywhere, I made one, which I’ve open sourced.

It’s at GitHub - perholmes/UnrealLineRenderer: Unreal Line/Spline Renderer, with a permissive license.


  • Smooth spline or simple line.
  • Automatic tangents draws a smooth line through points.
  • Spline is tessellated with a quality setting.
  • Geometry is created using UProceduralMesh.
  • Geometry automatically orients towards camera or custom Up vector.
  • Hard corners on line maintain mass.
  • Selectable arrowheads.
  • Rendered control points.
  • Hit detector that detects control points or point on spline from screen coordinates.
  • Multiple styles, such as dotted or dashed lines, or animated materials.
  • Efficient update cycle that recalculates as little as possible.
  • Configurable line width and arrowhead size.
  • Animation functions for getting linear movement along spline.
  • Shot Designer-specific feature to draw lines next to main line to illustrate camera movement. Just ignore.

Anyway, I hope it helps someone. This line renderer is somewhat specific to our project, but if anyone is interested in putting some work into generalizing it further, it could be a proper, all-purpose line/spline renderer for Unreal Engine.