New Launcher has ONE VERY annoying flaw

It doesn’t remember the size I set so every time I launch it it looks like this on my surround setup.

Just make it remember the size pls

Or whatever the height of screen is, multiply it by 1.6 for width as default window size (or 1.618 :stuck_out_tongue: ).
This should work for all regular variations like 16:9 and 16:10 monitors regardless if its single, multi-monitor or surround/eyefinity… well except for 4:3 monitor but they had it coming ;).

The “danger” of remembering size and position might make the launcher end up out of reach, outside your monitors scope. This when you switch from surround/eyefinity (where x number of monitors acts as 1 big) to a multi-monitor setup (where each monitors acts separate/individual) or even if you switch from several monitors to a single one… or even just use different resolutions.

I also have 3 monitor setup and find this kind of window size handling a bit annoying, even with ingame GUI/widget/window size handling :slight_smile:

Suround setup here as well… I can’t stress enough how annoying this kind of thing can get, I wish this was the only launcher that had bad surround support lol but unfortunately since surround is not popular/common this happens all the time to me.

Hopefully this will be fixed.

In the meantime I believe you can use something like DisplayFusion to virtually split the desktop to 3 monitors (so that way you can make it show only the center monitor for example) but that’s a workaround IMO rather than a fix.

It’s very strange, now I am working with surround but I have not display problem like you.

Nvidia has a build in feature that makes the windows snap like i have 3 monitors and it works , but the problem is that it starts in this very annoying way. I do now understand the logic behind and since 48*9 is not a common aspect ratio i feel bad but I accept it. Still you can calculate the aspect by dividing the width with the height and if the number is smaller than X you know you have super wide screen and you can execute a different code…

Hey guys,

Just wanted to let you all know that this is a know issue that we’re working on it! Like =F.F.M=ForeverHappy mentioned, there are a lot of issues to work on to make sure no one loses the launcher window!

On the flip side thank you so much for up sizing it. I was starting to get tunnel vision. :wink:

Ok now i understand, i see what you are talking , i don’t use Surround of Nvidia , it’s better at the moment.
