Hello all, and I apologize if this has been asked in the past right off. I have looked but alas, I have not located the answer as of yet…
When I create a new item, I would like to use a new icon. By new, I am talking about one of my own. I assumed this was a .png file someplace but for the ;life of me I can not locate any of the icons that are in the dev kit.
So, How do I add a new icon to the dev kit so I can link it in a blueprint? (engram for example)
Icons used in the dev kit are generally .tga format; they should be easy enough to find, if you search for “icon” in your primalitem blueprint, you’ll find the selection field and whatever icon is currently being referenced (default nothing, but if you copied an existing item, it’ll be whatever that texture was) – to make your own, I’d recommend using the same settings and filetype as the ADK does but I doubt it’s a necessity (.tga 256x256px usually), once you’ve made it just drag and drop it into the content browser in your mod folder and then set the icon in the blueprint to be your freshly imported texture!