New Features Coming - Sort by Price and Sort by Discount

Hi everyone,

In the next week or two we will be rolling out a few new Marketplace sorting features which should make it easier to filter through content to find exactly what you are looking for.

In addition to sorting by **title **and release date, you will soon be able to sort by **price **and **discount **(high to low, or low to high) within categories, on the “On Sale” page, as well as within your search results.

We welcome your feedback about additional features here:…edback-thread/

Happy browsing, you savvy sorters.

While sorting by price and discount is nice, where is the tag system that should be a no brainer?


People are not interested in the price tag itself, or the product name. They’re interested in the type of content they’re looking for, and they want that type of content to be sorted the way they like. So we need a tag system in place for sorting to make sense.

For example, they want all rocks to be sorted from A to Z, or from lowest price to highest price. Unfortunately a lot of the time the product name doesn’t describe the content so it doesn’t appear in searches.

Having -everything- appear from A to Z or from cheapest to highest price does little justice if people still have to browse through many pages of sorted content to find things they need.

I hope that makes sense.
And thanks for the update.

Wishlist needs to be added. Also creators shouldn’t be able to rate their own products.

I’m interested in the pricetag

That is quite hard to stop. It happens for any type of product on all sites. The IP can be hidden… And on eBay and Amazon there are plenty of fake reviews made by sellers themselves using fake accounts… but there are even competitors creating fake accounts to attack claiming issues that aren’t there and so on. It is something that affects the internet as a whole…

You can’t rate your own product with fake accounts, as long as those fake accounts don’t own the product. Only owners can rate. Besides that, rating your own product using other accounts is different than rating your own product with the same account you’ve used to publish the product itself. It’s weird Epic doesn’t take any actions to improve this.