New Fab Pro license is worse than the Unity Runtime Fee and should be REMOVED. Please. Be LOUD and UPSET about this so we can have it fixed.

Making money in gamedev is already hard enough. But now you they want us to pay like $500 per marketplace asset?

Let’s say I made $100K gross revenue in the last 12 months.
After 30% Steam cut, 15% refunds, and 25% taxes, I’m left with $40K net (before any other expenses).

Things have worked just fine before.
Why is Epic trying to ruin the indie gaming industry? Things have been hard enough for us.

The pro license as it stands is a stupid and a horrible decision that will affect everyone for the worse.
Nobody has any money to buy at these absurd prices.
So now we have way less assets to use in indie games, which will make indie games worse.
We will make less money, players will get worse games, and marketplace creators will make less money.

I don’t know how it’s possible that people aren’t as upset about this as with the Unity Runtime Fee. This is literally going to cost us A LOT MORE than the Unity Runtime Fee would’ve had.

We can’t rely on creators individually tailoring their pro prices better. We must get a solution at the core from Epic.
The way I see it, the only 2 possible solutions to this:

  1. Delete the pro license
  2. Change the pro license to require 1M+ gross revenue instead of 100K+. (As somebody with over 500K gross revenue, I can certainly say that even 500K gross won’t be enough to justify these prices)

Please, fix this.

Also, why is this just a worse version of the UE marketplace? Why make a change if it’s going to be worse?
Why no reviews? Why can’t I right click the preview image of an asset to go to its page? Why isn’t it showing a preview when I hover an asset preview image (like the Steam game hover preview)?
Idk who is in charge of this but these are the most common sense features to have ever and they aren’t implemented. It’s as stupid as this pro license decision.

Clearly, nobody thought any of this through at all.

This new licensing is unaffordable. My cart price jumped from $1k to over $10k with the switch to FAB I can’t afford this!


Jepp’, many creators gone insane with the Pro prices, for example from $60 to $1499 (25x) or from $25 to $1199 (48x!), like… what the hell could be going on in their heads? :moneybag: :thinking:

This is not the straight way to get a super good income, it’s more like around zero sales from us at the end, IMHO… :weary:

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