New purchase not showing up in Unreal Vault

how about this. jut purchased two items, they show up in fab library. do not show up in unreal library. also on their item page, i am allowed to purchase them again…but i already have a receipt in my email?

I was having the same issue, tried closing Epic Launcher and re-launching it with no luck. But I noticed there’s a refresh button at the top of the asset library on the Unreal Launcher, I clicked that and they all loaded into my Library.

I was having the same issue and found success by right-clicking in the content browser and there should be an option for fab under get content that redirects you to an internal browser and I was able to import my assets that way

Finally the struggle is end.
Install the Fab plugin to all version.
Update the Epic Launcher and restart.
Refresh the Fab Library and the purchase or downloaded file should be appear in vault.
Hope this helps.

11 posts were merged into an existing topic: Fab UE plugin no longer available. 90% of Fab/epic marketplace items missing from the launcher

This was beyond helpful. Thank you!