Hi everyone. Please be patient, I’m an absolute novice in UE4 development. And what makes UE4 so amazing and powerful also makes it confusing for us newbies. Anyhow…
I want to make an UE4 version of a puzzle game I’ve brainstormed with friends. It’s really very simple… a grid of 6x6 or maybe 8x8 squares. Player can only move up down right and left, and must keep moving til he either hits the edge of the board or a friendly element (placed on the board, different for each level). If he hits an unfriendly element (like say a square that’s a pool of bubbling lava) he dies. reaching the designated target square equal a win.
so … simple enough. But to make this in blueprints and setting up the game mode etc, I don’t even know where to start. I need a really clear and simple tutorial or sample that shows the basic theory behind making something like this. Almost all the stuff i’ve found on youtube has been geared toward making levels, creating models/textures etc. but surprisingly little in the way of what i need. So this makes me suspect I’m searching for the wrong topics or looking in the wrong places. I’m hoping one of the more experienced developers can recommend something i haven’t seen yet
I’ve been using UE4 for almost 2 years now and I’ve never seen a tutorial about that type of game. However, dont let it discourage you as this is a fairly simple concept you can create yourself. My recommendation is to break down your game idea into smaller “chunks” (restrict player movement in a grid, detect when Player hits obstacle and trigger event, etc) and then look for tutorials on how to do those things. Then you can combine all those pieces into a working game.
Its always hard to find the tutorial that does exactly what you want unless is a very popular game type. Just know its going to take time (years even!) to become comfortable with Unreal. Its a very complicated engine, but keep at it and everything will start making sense soon.
I’m actually working on an Etrian Odyssey clone and the tile movement part of my project sounds like exactly what you need. If you want I can make a video explaining exactly what to do, but the audio quality won’t be great, and I’ve never made a tutorial before so I might not explain stuff the best.
Edit : Btw, how new are you exactly? Do you know anything about inheritance or faking 2d arrays with a 1d array? How about different container types like sets or maps (or dictionaries)?
here’s my problem (any why it’s so frustrating) - I’ve been programming a long time, so all the programming concepts like class inheritance, persistence, variable types etc etc etc is old hat to me, but i am a super novice at unreal. Because I have a background in design, i picked up the modelling and scene building, materials, etc really easily. What’s killing me is the implementation of the logic and coding. I watch the tutorials on blueprints, i see the basic ideas, but for example the simple act of limiting characters only travelling in one direction - i know it’s likely super simple but i don’t even know where to start to tackle it. So thats why i was looking for an ultra noob tutorial series that said for example “ok, now we want our actor to do X, and to do that we add this node, then connect it like this, and etc.” Most of the tutorials i see assume you have more knowledge than that.
Great, it’ll be a lot easier to explain things if you’re already a programmer. Just making sure, this is what you’re trying to do right? (But with better art)
Part 2: https://youtu.be/KOt5b0NhJg4 actually isn’t really as necessary as I thought now that I think about it, because we never find tiles based on the index in the tile array after we find neighbours. But still, it’s good to do just in case you ever do in your own project.
Quick thought after reading this thread: Sometimes things you expect to be hard are fairly easy and things you think will be done in an hour turn out to take days.