new dev, which download options?

hi all,

I’m very new to unreal engine but starting a job that uses it so I will have to learn pretty fast. The team asked me to develop some ML workflows for their pipeline so I probably need the source code/editor symbols in order to do that but not sure. could anyone provide info on what extra options (editor symbols, engine source, etc) I will need?

Hey @emsieler! Welcome to the Forums!

Engine source will install engine source .cpp files for browsing and debugging, but can not be modified and rebuilt, and Editor Symbols for debugging will allow debugging C++ easier by giving you more information in the editor aka your crash logs. If you are working in C++ / code it’s highly recommended you have both and I would recommend keeping Engine source in just about any situation regardless.

Starter content and templates and feature packs are premade assets and templates that come with the engine, so these are less important than the above.



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