New Custom Structure Question

Hello everyone,

I am creating a new structure and this part I have done. I have engrams that I want to show up inside of the structure once the structure engram is learned and a specific technique is learned. I have those engrams created. I have all Engrams showing up and working in the players Engram list but I want to do the following…

Visible Engram Box=structure
Visible Engram Box Packing=technique one
Visible Engram Box PackingII=technique two
Not Visible Engram Popcorn
Not Visible Engram Bubblewrap

If Box Packing is learned then Engram Popcorn shows up in the structure once opened.
If Box PackingII is learned then Engram Bubble Wrap shows up in the structure once opened.

I see this in several mods out there that do this sort of thing and for the life of me I can’ seem to figure it out.

Thank you for any help,