This new Layout for the Public Releases could use some reverting in my honest opinion.
While I have to say I like the updated design of the site, I actually do believe it is kind of cool. What I do not like personally that much is the Active Release being removed from the list of the other releases, and being placed in a standalone box.
In the past all releases were sorted from Most Recent to Least Recent, I can see how the current layout would work but with some extra information being displayed next to releases, The date kinda works but I feel a more easy to understand way for each release is to Actually list the version number of each release e.g. Maybe before the date like “v11 Jan 28 2025, 11:34 AM”
And while I believe the following might be hard to implement layout wise, I believe it could be really beneficial for creators to see the change log for each release, that they’re required to submit for version referencing anyways