Hi i just wanted to make a new Task
and wondered about half an hour why it doesnt do anything
i came to the point to just use an existing one for testing
and that one did everything
so i created a new task from my existing one and it works
that wouldnt be the problem
but new created tasks from existing ones keep the exposed variables
I think we need to see some visuals of the problem to help
well the first problem theres not much to see i have done everything exactly
like in ohter tasks but it just didnt do anything
the second is about this
this is the original task
this is the task i generated from the first one
it still has the original variables
What class did you base your new task that doesn’t work from? Is your new task Blueprint or C++? Can you show the code in the new task?
i only work in blueprint
it was from the original BTTask_BlueprintBase
the task is very simple but i needed a separate version for an entry movement
its exactly the same version everything except the key name of course
i also switched the plug several times
and compared them 1000 times
I would set a breakpoint on Move To Location or Actor, and make sure that it’s being hit, and that all your variables going in are what you think they should be.
I’d also, even if you don’t need them, plug in a Print Text node to OnRequestFailed, so you know something bad happened if it gets there, as well as fire a Finish Execute with Success set to false, so it will get out of it if it fails.
i did all of this its exactly the same code like the other one except the key
dont know why it didnt work
i just made a new one again and now it works
but still the question would be
can the exposed variables be deleted somehow?
You shouldn’t have any exposed variables if your parent was BTTask_BlueprintBase
no i just mean when i use my own ones
oh, sure. you can select the variable over on the left hand side, and press the delete key, or right click and select delete.
You’re not using a child of BTTaskBlueprintBase, you’re using a child of BPBTTaskShoot2Guns. You cannot delete properties in the parent class in a child class, no.
ok thx
one more question
about sequencer
when i use the curve editor
in the sequencer trigger events lose their linked event
when copy pasting
is this intended or not working right?