New computer, Unreal crashes on startup

Hi, I just set up my new computer and wanted to load my project. Two of my projects load with no problems, but my main project crashes after the scene opens briefly. I get the following error message:

Assertion failed: Geometry->HitGroupSystemParameters[0].Num() > 0 [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12RayTracing.cpp] [Line: 4219]

Does anyone have an idea what to do?

Thank you!!!

I found the solution, it was a buggy plugin, thanks anyway!

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Hey there @toktok777! Great that you figured it out! If you could also name the plugin so future users could benefit from your resolution that’d be even better! Have a great day!

Hi it was the plugin Dust_FX_Tools.

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