New Cinematic Motion Blur Method

It’s entirely unsuitable for games.

Can anyone post a tutorial on this method? I need it so much! Motion blur is the only bottleneck that stops me from totaly refuse from any other rendering software!

Totally agree! Motion blur is one of the weakest links in the chain when it comes to rendering in UE4.

Keep an eye out for 4.25

It’s been 2 years now. I wonder how this goes. Any plan for public use?
Is this better than rsmb?

Have a look here, there is an official method for multi sampling. It’s not quite as fast as my own system, but it’s a million times more useful. Configurable, professional… the works.…der/index.html

We’ve been using this for bit as well, it’s pretty solid so far.

ues 4.25 we get good motionblur

Stimpanzee is it possible to have a step by step list to make the plugin work?
I think I’m doing something wrong.
I’m importing the blueprint in the scene, picking a cineref camera and then inserting the path in the file path, but I get some errors like:
Blueprint Runtime error: Accessed none trying to read property sequenceRef.

In case anyone makes it to this thread looking for a fully built solution, have a look here! Enhanced Motion Blur with Movie Render Queue | Tips & Tricks | Unreal Engine - YouTube