I released my first game today on Steam built using Unreal Engine. I used to work in the games industry a ways back (building games on the N64 and some other platforms), so it has been an absolute blast to come back to it and experience the power of Unreal Engine.
I’d love to hear any feedback or ideas for building up the game further. Thanks!
Welcome to the Unreal Engine forums. Always so nice to see a new face around here
I took a look at the trailer on Steam and I can definitely see what you mean by meditative. The music and calming movements are really peaceful. Also, huge congrats on releasing your first game. Such a milestone! If you don’t mind me asking, how long were you working on this?
I worked on it for the last ~2 months. The initial flocking logic and controls went pretty quickly in the beginning, and then I spent a lot of time adding to the visuals, working in more game modes, and then more time than you always expect to need on polish/bug fixing/support for all the edge cases you can think of/etc. Coding up a game mode goes a lot faster than all the other polish and getting it ready for shipping. I’m looking forward to adding more modes to make it a deeper game.
Oh wow. Such a short amount of time for a first project I think it turned out great. Do you plan on getting started on your next big thing now or are ya taking a break for the holidays?
I already have something elsein progress (I had been working on another project for a few months prior and put it aside for a bit to try making FlockIt). I’m going back to that original project…it’s a bigger idea that will take a lot more to build out and get to a polished level.
But I will also bounce back and forth between that and FlockIt, since there are a couple of cool modes I’ve got in mind for FlockIt. Too much to do.
Work will definitely slow down for the holidays with a lot of good family time.
Thanks for the positive comments, I really appreciate it!