New Better Faster Computer - Engine seems to load slower and sometimes hangs for long periods

I recently built my dream workstation. Normally I stay a couple of levels just below the bleeding edge as this is where you see the best value for the money, but I decided that I would treat myself and go top end for a change. My Old system wasn’t bad, it was i7 32Gb Ram Samsung 840 EVO SSDs Nvidia 970gtx… New system has next gen i7 (Not quite bleeding edge but close) 64Gb ram all Samsung 850EVO SSDs. and a Gtx 1070 No Overclocking or anything but all Liquid Cooling. The system runs very well except when I am running UE4 Editor. When Loading the Ark Dev Kit on my old system There were times when the system would ‘hang’ for short periods 10-15 seconds when it was loading or when you tried to change the main Primal Data blueprint. But Now it seems to hang forever. 30-60 seconds I can see in the task manager that its only using about 9% cpu and there is plenty of memory left and the Hdd isn’t working super hard, why would the engine be hanging up? Is it possible it has something to do with the 1070 and compiling shaders? Just seems odd, spec wise the new system should make the editor more responsive not less.
I have a lot of IT background and experience but still finding my way around the editor and engine, I was wondering if anyone else out there had encountered similar issues and if they had learned of a solution?

Many thanks in advance

I think u must try to reinstall engine or remove old config files.

When you say remove old config files which files are you referring to? I can backup my work and wipe the directory where the devkit is. Now that you mention that I am not sure if I ported over some of the Devkit from my old system when I transferred files and such. I will try that this evening and see if it does help. If you are referring to config file other than the devkit or engine could you please elaborate?
Thanks for the reply!

Problem can be in editor config files - but im not 100% sure.

Ok The OS is the Same. Windows 10 x64 Pro Latest Version. It is Not building or Finding the data cache. Timeframe was many minutes vs many seconds. I have wiped the install and re-installed the Dev kit from scratch. It seems to be behaving much more ‘normal’ so perhaps it was some corrupted config files. I know it seems like a crazy post, because I see these sorts of posts all the time where someone is complaining about performance or load times. But having worked on my old system for over a year and experienced compile and load times and then on what should have been a newer better system certain things seemed to be taking ‘much’ longer than they had. at First I thought it was because of a devkit update but as time went one and no-one else complained of performance issues in the dev kit I started to think that perhaps it was more specific to me. I think the wipe and clean install did the trick. It may have been because I did originally try and copy the devkit over from my old system which may have caused the corruption initially.
Thanks again for pointing me in an appropriate direction. Re-Install isn’t something you want to do so sometimes just having someone tell you that you should gets you over the resistance of what is usually the first step in solving the problem. The other factor for the Ark Dev kit is that even with a 150MB internet connection it takes forever to download that 80GB monster!