NEW(3/22/2024) UE5.5+ feedback: Please Invest In Actual PERFORMANCE Innovations Beyond Frame Smearing For Actual GAMES.

123 votes as of 4/25/2024.

I went ahead and saved the HTML and this thread online.

Please review this comment Epic Games.

I would be happy to give rendering examples references to any engine programmers willing to take this thread more seriously. I’m both a gamer and developer and UE5 and it’s main focuses extremely disappoint me. I have made comments before saying I cringe when I hear developers state they are using this engine when their game designs would benefit from other implementations but your engine remains the only real option for the market.

The difference between my views and Epics is I don’t believe TAA/Temporal upscaling is a viable solution on next gen consoles for quality and performance reasons. This doesn’t make me against TAA, just the current implementation and purposes. My game design is more similar to majority of environment design(90% static meshes, moving directional light and time system, interactable systems we as devs can predict and trigger optimized environmental changes ) rather than FN where nothing is reliable for caching. Epic provides 30fps scalability becuase they don’t believe 30fps is unacceptable on these platforms unlike me and more importantly other developers I communicate with.

As a developer I understand the problems gamedev needs solutions to, but as a consumer I see much better ways and unfortunately Epic seems focused on a path I think they are unaware is broken. The thread isn’t meant to be toxic, it’s meant to be genuine. Fixing Unreal has a better impact on the market than making cryengine or unity the best engines ever made becuase few studios uses those. It makes no difference to me if Epic benefits from a direction change and improvements in Unreal.

EDIT: Let me be more clear. This is not impressive:

A major problem with this is the lack of 60fps, so playing it isn’t going to feel good and it’s also introducing motion judder. Nanite is not going to make or break this game(ofc, if performance is bad enough, the studio can take financial hit) but that’s automatically a goodbye to 3ms worth of performance. In all honesty, the characters are barely ahead of what has been achieved on PS4 which means that shouldn’t be a source of performance problems. The resoltion isn’t anything outstanding compared to 1080p with SMAA and lite temporal methods seen before. Also, how do we even know how clear the game will be in movement? Probably not very clear since TSR goes against requisites for clear temporal motion.

Lumen just got more expensive 5.4 and most of the scene is static, which means computation should be low(like REALLY low), even if lights are destructible from a gameplay stance, that’s not an excuse for them to suck up performance since other proprietary game engines have had systems for these kinds of lights but UE doesn’t(we are talking about baked GI contribution that doesn’t use lightmaps)?

Where any systems developed to take advantage of the world limitation of this game? If the answer is no, then that is my point. It’s using poor rendering designs that over compute for a FN scenario.

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