Networking "upgrades" or "power ups" question.

Hello all! For the past while I have hit a wall in simple development in a small project I have been working on. I have made sure most of the issues are resolved, but i still can not seem to figure out what the issue is. My blueprint sample is attempting to multiply the players health by 4 (which i have successfully done) the issue arises in the coding to network the game. I’m not sure how to set it up and any help is greatly appreciated, Thank you for your time.

apologies for the small image

I can’t see that image at all but you need to set the replication options in the created events. Which one you need usually depends on where the code is located (like character bp or player controller bp). It’s kind of confusing, try the different custom event replication settings via trial and error for starters. It starts to be come clearer in time.

Hello, Thank You! I have found out what the issue was and tested it. I set the event to multicast and clicked “Reliable”. From that any client worked. I would also like to note that i do not have a player controller or pawn (please note i had no idea what i was doing when i started the project), instead i have a character blueprint that works, so if i may, would it be viable to set up a player controller and a pawn BP class instead of the one character BP?

You want both a character bp and a player controller bp. So keep the character bp you have and create a player controller bp. There is no rule exactly as to how to use the two. The characterbp is specifically code related to that particular character/actor. The controller bp is more general to anything that is being controlled by that controller. Personally I have the majority of my programming in the character bp but that could differ depending on your game.

Don’t worry about a pawn bp. To my understanding that would be like if you started controlling a separate object in the environment.