Greetings! I have a problem with getting special movement abilities to replicate.
I have been following a tutorial on networked (implemented in multiplayer setting) movement by making a child class of character movement component as shown here:
I got sprint working perfectly, as laid out in the tutorial but when it came to the boost/dodge mechanic, it works on singleplayer but not on multiplayer. For some reason the server isn’t recognizing the move as valid (I assume). When I try to boost in multiplayer it shudders forward and right back in a split second. I was hoping the sprint mechanic would be a good launch pad for figuring this out it is implemented so differently from the sprint that I don’t even know where to start. Other people seem to have had success with it so perhaps it is due to using 4.15?
Does anyone see the problem?
Or has anyone followed the provided tutorials and if so, how did they work for you?
Does anyone have experience with networking movement abilities? According to the tutorial, if I understood correctly, the boost mechanic can’t be implemented like the sprint mechanic because of something to do with flags.
Are there any other extensive resources out there for networking movement abilities in c++? I’ve poured through all of the official documentation on the matter but all I’ve found has been very general or not given with enough context.
Any help would be appreciated!